
News at RKR Hess

Pocono Township Water Service Area Expansion

We recently served as the Design and Consulting Engineer for a $9.125M water service area expansion project for Stroudsburg Municipal Authority to expand service along the Route 611 corridor in Pocono Township, Monroe County, PA. The project included  construction of a 1.7 million gallon pre-stressed concrete water storage tank, a booster pumping station, and approximately 50,750 linear feet of water main and appurtenances along a 7.5 mile long corridor of Route 611. A recirculation pump station with a supplemental re-chlorination system was also provided at the tank site to prevent stagnant water. The project required a PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit for installation in the highway shoulder and for thirty (30) borings of the state highway. The project also required general permits and other environmental approvals for twenty-eight (28) stream crossings. The project was funded in part with PennVEST financing Responsibilities included design, assistance in finance acquisition, attendance  at  public hearings, survey, permitting, bidding, construction administration, loan administration, and construction observation.

The Stroudsburg Municipal Authority is now known as the Brodhead Creek Regional Authority.